Nanotech Company, From Micro to Small

September 20, 2019

And though this in and of itself is reason enough to celebrate, so is making a memorable send off for those that worked with us during the summer and are now returning to their studies and the next phase of their careers, and a welcoming start off for our newest employees and everyone else returning from the summer holidays.

Although the official head count is indeed 10, it does not include the incredible people that work with us as consultants, part-time and summer-time workers, or any of our students. So while we have doubled in the past year, it feels closer to quadruple! Many of these are thanks to our close collaborations, particularly the successful thesis students coming from Chalmers University of Technology and the MATIX program at Handelshögskolan of Gothenburg University.

The autumn is also a time for harvest, and the seeds we planted throughout the years are now bearing fruit. Our growth also comes from strategic collaboration initiated in previous months and years, with researchers here in Gothenburg, Uppsala, Sheffield or Warwick, or industry partners such as ABB, AGM Batteries, Dukosi, Leading Light, IVL, and RISE, or networks and hubs such as EU EIC, Synerleap, Ignite Sweden, and Combient Foundry.

And so this Kick-Off is our way of saying how grateful we are to those that have gone or will soon be leaving, as well as our tireless collaborators, and to have everyone on board and ready for the upcoming months. We’ve been building momentum in the past few weeks and it’s important to have everyone sharing the same vision as we hit the throttle and go full speed into the final months of 2019.

Here’s to continued growth and success!

If you’re interested in what our team was up to during the summer, take a look at Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V of our summertime series.

If you’re interested in collaborating with us or joining our team, don’t hesitate to contact us here!

Insplorion team looking determined and ready to succeed.
Cupcakes with Insplorion coloured frosting and decorated with gold “nano” disks and silver “nano” particles.

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