Fifth subscription period of T01 starts January 22
January 16, 2023
Insplorion has one outstanding warrant program, TO1 2018/2023 which was distributed to all shareholders in connection with the financing agreement with ESGO, signed at the beginning of 2018. TO1 is traded at Nasdaq First North.
The subscription price for TO1 2018/2023 is SEK 11,50, thus higher than the current share price. The number of shares that each warrant entitles to subscribe for is 1.033 and the last day for trade is Thursday, February 2. If any holder of warrants wants to subscribe, please reach out your bank or trustee.
The issuing institution is the Eminova Fondkommission, which is reached on +46 8 684 211 00 or
The terms for the warrants are published on the Insplorion website:
Questions are answered by:
Per Giljam, CFO Insplorion AB, +46 734 23 50 10 or
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