Insplorion’s Nomination Committee for the 2024 Annual General Meeting

In accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2023, the Chairman of the Nomination Committee, in consultation with the three largest shareholders, has appointed the Nomination Committee presented below.


Elin Langhammer – Chairman of the Nomination Committee

Elin is a Doctor of Philosophy in materials science from Chalmers University of Technology with NPS technology as a research area. Elin is one of the founders of Insplorion and is today responsible for the Technological Development. Elin represents the founding group.

Shares in Insplorion corresponding to 0.8 % and another 0.7 % via closely related.


Kenneth Svensson

Kenneth has a bachelor’s degree within Marketing from IMH Business School in Malmö. He is CEO of Industrispik Linan AB. Other assignments consist of board member of Industrispik Linan, AB Gyllsjö Träindustri, Gyllsjö Energi AB and limited partner in Johannes Pehrson KB.

Shares in Insplorion corresponding to 8.6 %


Kader Abdul

Kader has completed his B.Sc & M.Sc in Microbiology from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He holds an MBA in Marketing from Institute of Business Administration (IBA). He achieved Ph. D. in the field of medical science from Karolinska Institutet. Further, Kader is CEO of Viola Vitalis AB.

Shares in Insplorion corresponding to 3.8 % through Viola Vitalis


At the Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2023, the following was decided about the Nomination Committee for the next Annual General Meeting.

The chairman of the board shall, as soon as the registered ownership relationships in the Company as of September 31 are known, contact the three largest registered shareholders in terms of votes and ask them to appoint one member each to the election committee. If any shareholder declines to appoint a representative, the following shareholders in order of size must then be given the opportunity to appoint a representative until three owner representatives have been appointed. The members thus appointed shall constitute the election committee.