Sheffield Air Symposium and Our New Collaboration
July 4, 2019
The first session gave an overview of the measurement and modelling efforts of researchers at Urban Flows Observatory. It was quite interesting to see how they’re combining emission modeling, reference stations, and a newly developed network of low-cost sensors to gain an overall picture of air quality in Sheffield. In the second session Insplorion joined three other companies in presenting AQ monitoring solutions. These ranged from portable devices for consumers to mid-cost compact stations for cities and commercial entities, with a focus on how to calibrate the raw data and extract meaningful information. The final session included citizen scientists, city councilors, and those working to change behaviour and policy. Of course, the most lively discussions took place in the last panel.
For us at Insplorion, the trip didn’t end with the symposium. As you may have heard, we have started a collaboration with Urban Flows Observatory to further test our NO2 sensors in more rigorous environments. We’ll be conducting collocation experiments (where we place our sensors near one of their reference stations), as well as on-site testing (where reference equipment and low-cost sensors are taken to various locations in the city to test so called “hot-spots” using the MOBIUS van). We’re very much looking forward to working with our friends in Sheffield in the upcoming months to validate our sensors.
We also had the chance to say a quick hello to Sarina, our latest visiting PhD student who is now busy finishing writing her thesis.
Sheffield is a small city with lovely people and definitely gives a university-town feel. While we had a hard time believing diesel trains are still running on tracks these days, we rather enjoyed the city sights, the variety of food, and the friendliness of those we met. I for one, am looking forward to going back!
From left to right: Olof, Rohit and Steve (Urban Flows Observatory), Maryam, Léa, and Ida.
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