Plasmonic based fibre optic detection and electrochemical identification of phase transitions in NMC111/graphite lithium-ion pouch cells

March 8, 2023

This work expands on the use of plasmonic based fibre optic sensors as an in-situ diagnostic sensor inside Li-ion NMC111 pouch cells, with the sensors positioned adjacent to both the negative and the positive electrodes. Via incremental capacity analysis (IC) of the full cell, of individual electrodes utilising a reference electrode and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques, the electrode state changes are identified and the relationship to the plasmonic optical signal is observed. We report identification of electrode phase transitions via electrochemical methods and the corresponding response of in-situ plasmonic based fibre optic sensors.


Christopher Gardner, Elin Langhammer, Alexander J. Roberts and Tazdin Amietszajew

Published in

Journal of Energy Storage


Original publication

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