The city of Mölndal becomes the first customer of Insplorion’s and Leading Light’s smart lighting with air quality sensors

December 18, 2019
One year ago, Insplorion and Leading Light started a collaboration in which the nitrogen dioxide sensor by Insplorion started to be integrated in Leading Light's smart lighting platform. With the purchase, the city of Mölndal becomes the first customer for this combined product.

Leading Light is a Swedish player, which primarily supplies the Nordic market with smart lighting. A year ago, Insplorion and Leading Light signed a collaboration agreement, and now the joint product development and verification has resulted in an initial sale. The lighting system will be installed on Dalångsgatan in the coming weeks, and data from Insplorion's NO2 sensor is sent via 3G to Leading Light's IoT platform where the city of Mölndal can follow trends of NO2, together with information on energy consumption, statistics and operating information. The sale represents a first reference customer for both Leading Light and Insplorion with an order value that does not significantly affect the quarterly result.

Insplorion's sensor gives us new opportunities for a sharper and wider product offering, and we are pleased to see the first customer to buy ActiveLights™ IQ-NOx. Air quality measurements are a growing trend, and with this reference sales we expect interested from future customers”, comments Niclas Perkman, CEO of Leading Light.

Questions are answered by:
Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO Insplorion AB, +46 723 62 32 61 or

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