Last day for trading in BTA and change in the number of shares and votes in Insplorion as a result of new share issues
January 4, 2021

As previously communicated, the company has, as per 6 November 2020, carried out a directed issue of 1,500,000 new shares at a subscription price of SEK 20 per new share (the “Directed Issue”). In addition, the company has, during December 2020, carried out a rights issue of 1,515,778 new shares at a subscription price of SEK 20 per new share (the “Rights Issue”). Thus, the company received a total of approximately SEK 60.3 million through the Directed Issue and the Rights Issue before deduction of costs related to the transactions.
As previously communicated, the Rights Issue was covered by guarantee commitments amounting to approximately SEK 26.6 million, corresponding to approximately 88 per cent of the issue. For the guarantee commitments, there is a customary guarantee commission of ten (10) per cent of the guaranteed amount. Each guarantor has been able to choose whether the guarantee commission is to be paid by the company in cash, or in new shares. In order to enable payment of guarantee commission in new shares, the board of directors of the company resolved, as per 6 November 2020, on an additional directed issue (i.e. in addition to the Directed Issue) of a maximum of 132,820 new shares at a subscription price of SEK 20 per new share against payment through set-off of claims regarding guarantee commission. The guarantors chose to receive payment in new shares to a total of 123,725 new shares. As a result thereof, the costs related to the transactions were reduced by SEK 2,474,511.70, compared to the SEK 6.7 million previously communicated as the costs for all abovementioned issues, based on the assumption that the entire guarantee commission would be paid out in cash.
Through the Directed Issue, the number of shares in Insplorion increases by a total of 1,500,000 shares, from 9,852,557 to 11,352,557 shares. Through the Rights Issue, the number of shares in Insplorion increases by a total of 1,515,778 shares, from 11,352,557 to 12,868,335 shares. Through the additional directed issue for payment of guarantee commission in new shares, the number of shares in Insplorion increases by a total of 123,725 shares, from 12,868,335 to 12,992,060 shares. Following registration of all issues with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the total number of shares and votes in the company will thus amount to 12,992,060.
For more information, please contact:
Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO Insplorion
Tel: +46 72 362 32 61
Send us an enquiry.
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