Insplorion announces a Vinnova project of approx. 3.7 MSEK together with Saab

April 29, 2024

Insplorion and Saab have jointly applied and been granted a project within the framework of Vinnova’s call “Aeronautical demonstrator program with SME participation”. The total budget for the project is approximately SEK 3.7 million, of which the grant portion is approximately 50%.

The purpose of the project is to demonstrate the possibility for leak detection in hydrogen-powered aircraft. Within the project, Insplorion’s hydrogen sensors and readout with fiber optics will be adapted to be combined with Saab’s existing readout unit (interrogator). Today, Saab sells products based on their fiber optic platform for temperature monitoring on board aircrafts.

The project is expected to start autumn 2024 and last for about 18 months. During this time Insplorion will receive grants of approximately 1.7 MSEK.

This type of collaboration is necessary to develop safe solutions for future aircrafts with hydrogen as an energy carrier. Insplorion alone cannot build solutions for the aviation sector; the lead times are long and significant resources are required. Therefore, we are happy to be able to cooperate with such a prominent company as Saab. We also expect this project to increase the technical maturity of Insplorion’s fiber optic sensor platform, i.e. where fiber optics is used for sensor readout.” says Insplorion CEO Johan Rask.

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