Gas sensor patent has been granted in USA
May 9, 2017
Insplorion’s main patent was recently granted in the USA and is now followed by Insplorion’s gas sensor patent. The gas sensor patent application was filed in December 2014 and covers the coating of the sensor surface with different materials to obtain high sensitivity and specificity to selected gases. It thus protects Insplorion’s applications within different types of gas sensing, for example air quality monitoring. The patent application with number 15/105,408 now obtains patent number US 9,638,633 and provides protection in the USA until 18 December 2034.
"The fast approval of the gas sensor patent is in great contrast to the slow process of our main patent, which shows how unpredictable the patent process can be. We are very happy to now also have this patent granted in the USA as it strengthens our control position in general and specifically protects our gas sensing applications where the ongoing air quality sensor project now will be further reinforced", says Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO of Insplorion.
Questions are answered by:
Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO Insplorion AB, +46 723 62 32 61 or
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