A research institute in Germany acquires an Acoulyte instrument.
June 11, 2018
The research institute that are now an Insplorion customer are experienced users of the Q Sense instruments which Insplorion’s Acoulyte is used in conjunction with. The specific research group works towards enhanced therapeutics and introduction of scaffolds for regenerative medicine.
A demo was conducted earlier this year where the Acoulyte showed how different biological systems responded to light. The order value is about 350 000 SEK after deduction of customer discount and distributor commission.
"It is great to have completed our first sale for the Insplorion Acoulyte instrument. We see how the interest for the combined acoustic and optical measurement is increasing and are confident that more customers will follow”, comments Raimund Sauter, Product Manager at the German distributor LOT-QuantumDesign.
"We now see how the sales activities by our German distributor also show results and we are glad that LOT-QuantumDesign now becomes the second distributor, following the Chinese market, to sell our Acoulyte instrument.", comments Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO at Insplorion.
Questions are answered by:
Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO Insplorion AB, +46 723 62 32 61 or patrik.dahlqvist@insplorion.com
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