FED Conference
October 10, 2019
This was the final conference within this EU project, that has evaluated a micro-grid within Chalmers Campus. As a unique project where electricity, district heating and cooling was integrated in the same micro-scale market. With smart systems, not only can we reduce our emissions, but also the total energy cost. It’s a win-win!
Considering my background, within energy systems, I have to say that this kind of project really amazes me! How Insplorion could be involved might not be to obvious at first. But when you think about the amount of batteries involved, within stationary battery storage and in electric cars connected to the micro-grid, it all makes sense. However, Insplorion wasn’t active within this specific project. Though, it is these kinds of projects that we can learn from, understand the market, see new opportunities and maybe we’ll meet our next colleague or business partner.
This is also the perfect example of why I really enjoy being in this company. Naturally, nanotech is our backbone, but it is also important to understand what happens on a larger scale. Building a project bottom-up, means it could start with the gold nanostructure in our sensors that are put into batteries; then these batteries end up in a system dealing with MW-scale flows of heat and electricity. Increased efficiency and smarter energy systems will help us reach our climate goals faster. Nanotechnology, with high-performance sensors, will be helping along this journey to fossil fuel-free energy systems!
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