Coventry University
March 12, 2020
Along those lines, Elin and I went to Coventry University last week to visit the Centre for Advanced Low Carbon Propulsion Systems (C-ALPS). Together with Professor Rohit Bhagat’s group we will have a joint PhD student over the next three and a half years; Christopher Gardner will investigate integrated internal sensors for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Tazdin ‘Taz’ Amietszajew. By joining forces with excellent researchers, we hope to improve our understanding of the interplay and dynamics of LIB integrated sensors such as our InBat NPS sensor, and that this will in turn lead to not only the generation of great scientific findings but also facilitate our route to market.
Keep a close eye on Coventry Uni, they are sure to be making headlines!
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